6th July 2018 contact Brett Wilson LLP, to advise them I had received legal letter and was currently away on my return I will be in touch.
16th July 2018, I returned from a family holiday in Spain to find my family home had been broken into laptops, Desktop and multiple hard drives were taken from my home. (some hard drives contained evidence and screen shots of the harassment but luckily was backed up) Police Crime Ref No:5218158119
Police forensics arrived within less than an hour, finding glove and boot marks, with multiple neighbours hearing and seeing a disturbance on the 14th July 2018 around 4am, police officers spoke with neighbours, multiple emails with Police Officer Connie 9552
After speaking to police about breaking my next-door neighbour found these posts online Facebook Emerson Green Mums with multiple neighbours discussing disturbance on a local Facebook group chat 14th July 2018
17th July 2018, due to stress from the break-in, pressure from law firm Brett Wilson LLP, using coercion and intimidation, facilitating my harassers, Police powerless, Police Crime Ref No 5217275863 and unable to finance a legal case, I made the decision to take website down