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Al Khor International School

4000 Student and 500 teacher school in Doha, Qatar

accredited by


facilitated harassment cover-up

Contacted Al Khor International School governing bodies BSME, CIS, COBIS, to ask why AKIS ignored harassment complaint emails for 12 months, AKIS Principal Hussein Modak deliberately lied to school governing bodies, to cover-up harassment complaint. see evidence below
16th May 2018,
Unable to finance UK legal case, created blog website exposing a three year harassment and smear campaign designed to ruin my reputation by Qatar Airways, Head of Communication, who is CEO, Akbar Al Baker own PA, together with her husband, Head of Al Khor International School, a 4000 student school based in Doha, Qatar and owned by QatarGas.and partnered with Cambridge University, involved in a online harassment, using falsehoods, fabricating a narrative of being a victim.
1st Nov 2017
Contacted law firm VWV that specialise in defamation law, informed that I had a legal case for deformation, such a case would cost many thousands, this was something I could not finance.
7th Dec 2017
Informed Avon and Somerset Police of harassment, Police Crime Ref No 5217275863, police powerless due to harasser living in Doha, Qatar,
Before this 3 year online smear campaign, ruined my reputation and business, I worked as a freelance conservation and wildlife filmmaker for major television production companies, BBC Countryfile, Channel4 and Channel5 in the UK as well as, producing multiple productions for Plantlife a conservation charity whose patron is HRH Prince of Wales, and producing a high profile campaign film in 2015 for the Macular Society endorsed by the then UK Prime Minister David Cameron.


zAl Khor International School Facebook.j

Emailed the following organisations asking for help and support in contacting Al Khor International School and Principle of AKIS, for 12 months have ignored multiple emails concerning serious harassment complaint.

BSME - Olivia Roth CEO British Schools in the Middle East

I have now taken the matter up with the Principal and am clear that the matter in question does not affect the standing of the school as a member

CIS - Stuart McLay, Director of International Accreditation Services

Council of International Schools

Whilst CIS takes all concerns seriously, the parameters of our policies only allow us to seek a response from a school if there is substantive evidence that the standards for accreditation are being systematically broken or that the CIS Code of Ethics has been breached. We were unable to determine

COBIS - Council of British International Schools

Thank you for your email, This matter has now been raised with the school’s leadership team and we will get back to you once a response has been received from the school.

Below is actual email correspondents with organisations

Response from BSME


Below is response from CIS

CIS 2.jpg

Below is response from COBIS

COBIS Letter Final.jpg













Response from Al Khor International School stating "this matter relates to a dispute that occurred in a personal capacity, prior to employee's appointment at Al Khor International School but as you can see below screenshot proves the dishonestly by owners QatarGas and Al Khor International School as Head of AKIS was employed at the AKIS from 2014, online harassment took place from 2014 until 2017 and still visible today in some countries.

Why would Al Khor International School assume this was a personal matter, when falsely claiming to have court order, multiple malicious post over 3 years designed to ruin reputation with lies. Posting my family home address on Twitter with intent to cause harm, is it not normal practice for a top school when someone makes a serious accusation of harassment and supplies evidence to support claim against the Head of AKIS they would have the courtesy to reply to emails and offer a full investigation, not for the victim to be then threaten by the harasser using UK law firm Brett Wilson LLP by using intimidation and coercion to silence from exposes truth and taking legal action.


It would seem clear that owners QatarGas and Al Khor International School instructed their Head to take such action without using the school or owners QatarGas name in correspondents as not to implement them, Head of AKIS claimed his employers were not aware of website exposing harassment and wanted it taken down before they were made aware, again shows Head of AKIS dishonestly prepared to deliberately lie on a legal letter drafted by Brett Wilson LLP as school and owners QatarGas clearly knew of website, only when they were forced to explain their actions by COBIS for not responding to complaint emails concerning his involvement in the harassment,  AKIS admitted receiving email 12 months earlier with link to website, AKIS and owners QatarGas deliberately lied to cover up their tracks exposing their dishonesty, claiming he was not appointed at AKIS until after the harassment from 2014 to 2017


Why then do these Screen shots of Head of AKIS contacting parents in an online letter confirming promotion with Al Khor International from Head of Academic to Head of AKIS, as well as screen shots taken from AKIS Facebook page clearing showing his employment at AKIS from Nov 2014, and still featured on school 1st page on official AKIS website 5 months after exposing harassment and featured on a AKIS YouTube video published on 31st March 2019

Al Khor International and owners QatarGas clearly felt embolden to lie and be dishonest to COBIS as all record of his employment at Al Khor International has now been deleted online.


Below is screenshot taken in Oct 2018 from 1st page of AKIS website, with Principle of AKIS and Head of AKIS


Screenshot from YouTube video published 31 Mar 2019 by Al Khor International School featuring Head of AKIS.




22nd June 2018, Law firm, Brett Wilson LLP representing Qatar Airways, Head of Communication and Head of Al Khor International School, defended Qatar Airways of any gross negligence and lack of due diligence, but did not name Qatar Airways as a client WHY? and claiming Al Khor International School and owners QatarGas knew nothing of the website that exposed harassment and wanted it taken down, before Head of AKIS employers can see it, clearly Brett Wilson LLP using coercion to silence and cover-up harassment, fabricated this narrative with their clients, so that AKIS school could ignore harassment complaint email. and not offer a full investigation into complaint, the evidence points to AKIS and owners QatarGas instructing it's Head of AKIS to silence the person who made a complaint against him. with Brett Wilson LLP instructing me to stop making complaints in drafted legal letter.
Brett Wilson LLP stating our clients are considering contacting the police, If I don't take down website, but they do not wish to do this, I wonder why. maybe the three year harassment and smear campaign designed to ruin my reputation, posting my family home address on Twitter, endanger my young children's lives by this malicious act, fabricating having a court order against me, Ref No A1QZ561D confirming no court order was ever issued against me and was struck out.
Brett Wilson LLP, It is you that has facilitated my harassers causing further distress, with your multiple threatening legal letters, using coercion and intimidation to silence a victim of harassment.
with Brett Wilson LLP stating legal letter NOT FOR PUBLICATION
Brett Wilson LLP edit.jpg
Logo Brett Wilson LLP.png
Brett Wilson letter1.jpg


Evidence of Al Khor International School and owner QatarGas involvement in the harassment cover-up, as you can see employer was aware of website evidence of harassment on 16th May 2018

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