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Communication and Cover-up
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The harassment cover-up by Qatar Airways can only be described as completely amateur and embarrassing leaving a trail of evidence that would be irrefutable for Qatar Airways to deny in court, Clearly, an attempt to pervert the course of justice by Head of Communication, Senior Vice President of Qatar Airways and CEO of Qatar Airways Akbar Al Baker direct involvement in the cover-up., after being made aware of harassment and police and legal involvement, Qatar CEO promote her to a more senior role within airline now, personally accompanying CEO on official travel and live media interviews, and fraudulently changing dates of employment and job description to cover-up harassment and Qatar Airways complete lack of due diligence, before employing an online troll to head all Qatar Airways social media campaigns from head office in Doha, Qatar, weaponising an online troll with the support and backing of Qatar Airways, within 1 month of starting new job in Qatar, posted a more lies over the next two years designed to ruin my reputation fraudulently claiming to have a court order against me and endangered the lives of my wife and children by doxxing, posting on Twitter my full name and family home to someone who read her 3-years of lies on a Twitter account used to promote Qatar Airways.


Google removed fake reviews due to breaking European law, as my name would appear at the top of Google search with links to Qatar Airways Head of Communication online posts, her official job description was heading teams of social media experts, that create and promoted online content via storytelling, basically Qatar Airways Head of Communication headed a troll factory from Qatar Airways head office with the full blessing from Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker.

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19th Dec 2017 Complaint email sent to Qatar Airways, Supplied 24 document email containing evidence of the harassment, I received a reply email on 21st Dec 2017 from Qatar Airways HR Investigations Manager who confirmed they will review my complaint email. In my email advising Qatar Airway that their lack of due diligence and gross negligence, allowed Head of Communication to have a platform to ruin my reputation, I requested Qatar Airways help and full support, in bringing the Head of Communication to justice in a UK court, so i could clear my name and claim for the financial losses and ruined reputation,


Few months later, I still haven't received any response or support by Qatar Airways into the harassment, but instead learned, my harasser has been given a promotion, now personally accompanying CEO Akbar Al Baker on official travel, live media events and all CEO interviews. new job title, Head of Communication, new job description and fraudulently back dating her employment history, As well as other suspicions activity Qatar Airways HR Investigation Manager who was sent harassment complaint evidence, had lost her job after nearly six years of employment with Qatar Airways, in January 2018, just a couple of weeks after contacting HR Manager and was still unemployed 18 months later, clearly exposing CEO involvement in the harassment cover-up, CEO Akbar Al Baker must of felt embolden to make this move after being made aware I could not finance a legal case against his airline, or his Head of Communication and the UK police powerless to help, due to harasser living in Doha, Qatar.  

28th October 2017, LinkedIn account states that she has worked for Qatar Airways as Global Communication Manager for 2 years 2 months but once I contacted Qatar Airways with my complaint on 19th Dec 2017 employment history was fraudulently changed and only worked as Global Communications Manager for 1 year and 7 months, Now has a new title Head of Communication. Removing Senior Vice President. Luckily have screenshot evidence before and after.


LinkedInwill also be able to verify that job title, job description. employment dates, were changed after harassment complaint email was sent to Qatar Airways on 19th Dec 2017


Also the new job description as Head of Communications on LinkedIn, no longer manages Qatar Airways Social Media campaigns globally, On a daily basis I work with my team to identify and create stories, direct the strategy of brand storytelling, oversee social media campaigns, steer crisis communications  this clearly show Qatar Airways has colluded with Head of Communication to fraudulently change information to cover up Qatar Airways complete lack of due diligence and gross negligence in the harassment,.

see screenshot evidence below

new job title and dates of employment have been fraudulently changed after complaint email was sent to Qatar Airways on 19th Dec 2017

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Old job title Global Communications Manager and dates of employment screen shot on the 28th Oct 2017, clearly shows worked as Global Communication Manager for 2 years 2 months, so how come profile on LinkedIn states 1 year and 7 months in April 2018,

What has happened to missing 8 months?

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New job description, Head of Communication personally accompanying CEO Akbar Al Baker on official travel and live media events and all CEO interviews, clearly exposing CEO involvement in the cover-up, he felt embolden to make this move after being made aware I could not finance a legal case against his airline or his Head of Communication and the UK police powerless to help, due to harasser living in Doha, Qatar. 

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Below is communication between myself and Dina Fahim, Qatar Airways - HR Investagations Manager via LinkedIn

Below, confirmation email from Dina Fahim, HR Investigations Manager

Below, Dina Fahim, HR Investigations Manager current employment status on LinkedIn, in January 2018 looks like Dina was made unemployed by Qatar Airways, 1 month after I contacted Dina Fahim with my complaint email and was still looking for employment. 15 months later 26th March 2019 after the complaint email was sent. This all seem very suspicious as Dina Fahim worked for Qatar Airways for nearly 6 years before I contact her on the 19th Dec 2017, maybe Dina was very good at her job as an HR Investigator for Qatar Airways and uncovered wrongdoing.

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