Qatar Airways - Head of Communication, list of online trolling and harassment Twitter posts from 2014 until 2016, Any person reading posts would believe them to be true as Head of Communication was using her high profile position at Qatar Airways with her many posts on Twitter of her role at Qatar Airways as a platform to make her Twitter post seem genuine when they were all fabricated, designed to vilify me and ruin my reputation. Head of Al Khor International School contacted me, 16th June 2014 the same day the Internet trolling and harassment started on Twitter, stating in email "I've not got involved with this until this point"
16th June 2014, started trolling and harassment campaign on Twitter with multiple posts, but then employed by Qatar Airways in Sept 2015. Why wasn't the defamatory Twitter posts picked up by Qatar Airways in the employment process, this was on a public Twitter account, especially when posting any defamatory comments true or false about any individual online in Qatar is a serious criminal offence. as this person will be Heading all Qatar Airways social media campaigns from Head Office Doha, Qatar, reporting directly to Senior Vice President, This exposes Qatar Airways complete lack of due diligence and gross negligence in the employment process, by weaponised a online troll to inflict an industrial level smear campaign to destroy my reputation with the vast resources of Qatar Airways at her finger tips with the many teams of IT and social media experts she heads, within 1 month of new appointment at Qatar Airways, started the online harassment again on Twitter with more defamatory posts designed to ruin my reputation.
then, on 21st Dec 2017, a harassment complaint email was sent to Qatar Airways, informing them of gross negligence and complete lack of due diligence, facilitating the harasser, asked Qatar Airways help and full support in bringing the Head of Communications to justice in a UK court, so I could clear my name and claim damages for my financial losses.
Jan 2018, I learned on LinkedIn dates of employment and job description had been fraudulently changed and Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker promoted my harasser to a even senior role and rewarded the harassment, now personally accompanying CEO Akbar Al Baker on all official travel to live media events and all CEO interviews.
Clearly, CEO Akbar Al Baker was embolden to make this move, as I could not finance a legal case against Qatar Airways or Head of Communication and UK police were powerless, due to harasser living in Doha, Qatar.
Twitter posts that I have published on this page, is only what I have managed to find online, I'm sure there are many online posts that have since been deleted.
Twitter posts between 16th June 2014 and 11th June 2016
1. Head of Communication posted a completely fabricated story that she had a court order to get her wedding film, no legal case or court order was awarded against myself and Head of Communication - This was confirmed, case was struck out by Jill Elks on 27th Oct 2017 at UK Government Small Claim Department,
Money Claims Helpdesk, Northamptonshire phone 0300 1231057 - Ref No A1QZ561D
2. Posted my family home address on Twitter, after someone called me a scumbag (intent to cause harm by potential putting my family in physical harm by others) Posted my full name multiple times on Twitter with defamatory content.
3. Contacting a client that posted a positive comment on Twitter about just booking my services by posting untruthful and disparaging comments and advising my clients to cancel booking my services with any future customers being able the read the Twitter as this post, active on Twitter from 16th June 2014 until present as the twitter posts with others are still visible online.
This in the business world is call "Corporate Catfishing" to create negative and fake stories online, so clients and future clients can see them, to create an uncontrollable snowball of bad press, leading to a tarnished reputation and loss of customers.
Sept 2015 employed by Qatar Airways heading all social media campaigns from the head office in Doha, Qatar, with her teams of IT and social media experts, creating stories and online content. Oct 2015 starter the harassment again that last 2 years, until I was made aware of this online smear Sept 2017. If Qatar Airways, Head of Communication is prepared to deliberately lie on her own Twitter account, a Twitter account used to promote Qatar Airways, what is she prepared to post online, to defame with a fake names and reviews with her teams of IT and social media experts. Please note, in Oct 2017 Head of Communication was made aware I was trying to contact her, the following day Twitter account was no longer public and I'm sure many other posts were taken down and deleted.
Fake reviews dating back to 2015 were taken down by Google, due to breaking European Law in Sept 2017. when searching my full name on Google with the terms Videographer, Photographer and Cinematographer, I would appear at the very to of Google with 1 star rating. So for 3 years without my knowledge, any future clients searching my name online would of been presented with theses fake reviews and personal attacks, believe them to be all true, for example, fraudulently claiming to have court orders against me, posting my family home address on Twitter, the list goes on!

Al Khor International School owned by QatarGas
Head of AKIS
Her husband, Head of Al Khor International School was completely aware that all these online posts on public Twitter account for 3 years were a pack of lies, as he was in email communication with myself and CC in with his wife emails, exposing the dishonesty and true character of the Head of AKIS, happy to sit back and say nothing while his wife ruins my reputation with lies, the legal term, complicit in harassment. From smearing my name, fraudulently claiming to have a court order and posting my family home address.
4. Posting defamatory statement: Simply aggressive emails, (Aggressive emails were never sent to Head of Communication, please see full emails, statement was designed to cause harm to my business and personal reputation)
5. Posting defamatory statement: No excuses, (always kept informed see full emails)
6. Posting defamatory and disparaging comments: There was never a reason, (Reasons were explained, due to Head of Communication ignoring email and making late payment caused delayed with editing process,)
7. Telling my customers to forgo deposit and book someone else that is professional and who cares (defamatory with intent to cause harm to my business and personal reputation)
8. Manipulating the truth: Awful 15 month experience (defamatory with intent to skew facts being untruthful, so anyone reading theses comments would think less of me)
9. After creating a hate campaign Head of Communication advising people to share their evidence together on social media, when own evidence is completely fabricated (intent to create fake information about another person, designed to harm my personal reputation and business
Below Twitter posts from 16th June 2014 until 10th June 2016

Client, received wedding film shortly after this Twitter post and was really happy with the final film.
Below client, advised my mother had recently passed away and apologised that all wedding edits will be delayed slightly, clearly client after reading 3 years of untruths and malicious post on Twitter believed them to be all true by Qatar Airway Head of Communication

More lies by Head of Communication fraudulently claiming to have a court order against me.
Then telling people "We should all share evidence together!"
Head of Communication posting on Twitter, fraudulently claiming to have a court order against me when it's been struck out, This is classic Corporate Catfishing, claiming to be a victim, through social media. Qatar Airways, Head of Communication is just a vile, Online Troll, deliberately try to ruin the livelihood of a family man with 3 young children to support.

Below screenshot has my family home address covered, screenshot taken from Google map street view and would of known this was a residential address and not a business

Received an email from client 10th July 2016 saying how lovely their wedding film was.
This exposes how malicious Qatar Airways, Head of Communication, is with her fraudulent posts on Twitter claiming having a court order to get their wedding film, completely untrue, designed to cause distress to others, clients would of been worried sick, after reading all these lies, clearly stirring up a hate campaign, against me,
If this is what Head of Communication is posting on Twitter, using her real name and photo, what else has Head of Communication been posting with fake accounts with her, many teams of IT and social media experts that she heads at the Qatar Airways head office Doha Qatar, creating fake stories on other social media platforms.
Below promoting Qatar Airways through Head of Communication, own public Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, with tweets and retweets, anyone reading the smear campaign would believe everything posted online for 3 years to be all true, by this senior employee at world famous Qatar Airways. Clearly, Qatar Airway and her husband Head of Al Khor International School owned by QatarGas, would of known all about the 3 year online smear campaign, as Head of AKIS was in direct email communication with myself, knew everything posted on Twitter by his wife was a complete lie, designed to ruin and innocent individual.
see actual email communication
This is just some of the many Twitter and LinkedIn posts

Sept 2017, Google removed fake reviews that were posts from 2015, that discussed Head of Communication Twitter posts smearing my reputation with lies, due to breaking European Law.
This is just some of the online content I have found, I'm sure there's many more online posts that I haven't found, or have been deleted.