
Unable to finance legal case, UK police powerless, and the media stay silent!

putting profit over truth
This website was published 16th May 2018
Exposing Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker's direct involvement in harassment and cover-up by Qatar Airways Head of Communication.
(2 months later, taken down after intimidation by Qatar Airways and QatarGas both owned by the State of Qatar)
April 2021
Multiple email correspondents were sent to the law firm Brett Wilson LLP, who represented Qatar Airways and QatarGas in a drafted legal letter 22nd June 2018 designed to silence a victim of harassment and take down website Support4Justice.com, law firm Brett Wilson LLP has ignored every communication.
20 months later, 20th Dec 2022
Brett Wilson's silence speaks volumes. exposing UK law firm Brett Wilson corruption using intimidation and coercion, with deliberate lies in a draft legal letter, colluded with my harassers to pervert the course of justice.
re-published 5th April 2021
Links sent to the Guardian journalist Gwyn Topham concerning a news article he wrote that made international headlines, exposing harassment and cover-up by Qatar Airways CEO, revealing the fallout before and after his news article for the Guardian, Also exposing communication with CNN 8th June 2018 exposing news networks complete lack of journalistic standards, Qatar Airways has funded CNN since 2003, apologist for the airline, and how CNN put profit over truth.
6th June 2018
in a heartfelt apology for his sexist comments, Qatar CEO says he was only referring to one individual and not the staff in general at Qatar Airways.
Qatar Airways CEO apologizes after saying it takes a man to do his job (cnn.com)
16th May 2018,
Unable to finance legal case, created blog website www.support4justice.com exposing a three-year harassment and smear campaign designed to ruin my reputation and livelihood by Qatar Airways, Head of Communication, this harassment endangered the lives of my wife and children.
Avon and Somerset Police, powerless to act due to harasser living in Doha, Qatar, Police Crime Ref No 5217275863.
Qatar Airways fraudulently changed dates of employment and job description to cover-up harassment and Qatar Airways' lack of due diligence and gross negligence in the harassment.
LinkedIn account states Qatar Airways, Head of Communication, personally accompanies Qatar Airways CEO on all travel to live media interviews.
Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker, made international headlines with sexist comments at IATA.
Gwyn Topham, wrote 5th June 2018
The Guardian
Qatar Airways chief says only a man could do his job | Airline industry | The Guardian
The Independent
This was clearly, a PR ass covering exercise, by the Qatar Airways CEO, just in case this harassment gained traction and cover-up became public knowledge. and funding for a legal case, as the Support4Juctice.com evidence was so damning to CEO direct involvement,
16th May 2018, Qatar Airways communication and complaint email via Messenger
6th June 2018
in a heartfelt apology for his sexist comments, Qatar CEO says he was only referring to one individual and not the staff in general at Qatar Airways.
Qatar Airways CEO apologizes after saying it takes a man to do his job (cnn.com)
8th June 2018
Reached out to CNN Press Room website, contacting multiple CNN vice presidents, concerning three-year online harassment and hate campaign that endangered my family by Qatar Airways Head of Communication and Qatar Airways CEO Al Baker complicit in harassment cover-up, as Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker regularly appeared on CNN, giving interviews and promoting his airline, Qatar Airways has sponsored CNN since 2003.
19th Oct 2018
4 months after contacting CNN about CEO direct involvement in harassment and cover-up, Qatar Airways CEO appeared on CNN in a 10min interview on CNN, talking about Cover-ups. Khashoggi murder, the U.S. looking other way, Qatar being bullied and the victims.
exposing the complete lack of journalistic standards at CNN.
Qatar Airways CEO discussing the murder of Journalist Khashoggi and Qatar being victims, CEO stating "I take great pride in what is happening, the world has now realised, who is the victim", and claims that Qatar was being bullied, on so many levels this was shocking, exposing CNN's complete lack of journalistic standards.
This anti-American rhetoric endorsed by CNN is so divisive, smearing America on the world stage. My own grandfather Gurnie E Byrd, whom I am very proud of enlisted into the U.S. Army in 1943, and was stationed in England with the 115th Medical Unit, preparing for D-Day.
Qatar Airways CEO, Claiming to be victims
CEO, blames U.S. for looking the other way
Qatar Airways and CNN Full Interview
5th April 2021, 10 months after my communications with the Guardian journalist Gwyn Topham, exposing harassment and cover-up by CNN, Feb 2022 both CNN CEO Jeff Zucker & No2 Allison Gullost resigned due to breaking journalistic standards at CNN, after an internal investigation and pending takeover by Warner Bros/Discovery
with many in the media asking what was the journalistic standards they broke at CNN.
2nd April 2022 new owners Warner Bros/Discovery took over at CNN.
Please share my story, Support4Justice.com
State of Qatar has financed CNN for over two decades, but I still believe there are many good journalist out there and one day the truth will be told.
22nd June 2018, Law firm, Brett Wilson LLP representing Qatar Airways, Head of Communication and Head of Al Khor International School, defended Qatar Airways of any wrongdoing, gross negligence and lack of due diligence, and had no right to contact Qatar Airways for their support is a legal case, as I had no legal case for defamation as statute of limitation had passed, this is a deliberate lie by Brett Wilson as they are fully aware that as they specialise in defamation law, that a judge could extend timeframe due not being aware of the malicious online content, Brett Wilson not mentioning in the drafted legal letter their client after 3 years of harassment and lies online, doxxed me by posting family house address on Twitter with my full name, endangering the lies of my wife and children with malicious intent and legal letter did not mention their client fabricated having a court order against me, when it was struck out, and after sending a complaint email 16th May 2018 with link to evidence of his complicity in the harassment, Head of AKIS tried to claim Al Khor International School and owners QatarGas knew nothing of the website www.support4justice.com that exposed harassment and wanted it taken down, before Head of AKIS employers can see it, clearly Brett Wilson LLP using coercion to silence and cover-up harassment, fabricated this narrative with their clients, so that AKIS school could ignore harassment complaint email. and not offer a full investigation into complaint, the evidence points to AKIS and owners QatarGas instructing it's Head of AKIS to silence the person who made a complaint against him. with Brett Wilson LLP instructing me to stop making complaints in the drafted legal letter.
Brett Wilson LLP stating our clients are considering contacting the police, If I don't take down website, but they do not wish to do this, I wonder why. maybe the three year harassment and smear campaign their client designed to ruin my reputation, posting my family home address on Twitter, endangered my wife and young children's lives by this malicious act, after someone read the three years of lies posted on Twiiter and asked for contact details of this scumbag, with Qatar Airways Head of Communication happy to post my family home address, not knowing the metal health of this person, and fabricating having a court order against me, Ref No A1QZ561D confirming no court order was ever issued against me and was struck out.
Brett Wilson LLP, It is you that has facilitated my harassers causing further distress, with your multiple threatening legal letters, using coercion and intimidation to silence a victim of harassment.
I hope one day this all plays out via the U.K. legal system, it is your organisation that will be exposed and stuck out from practicing law.
April 2021 I have sent multiple email correspondents to Brett Wilson LLP, but they have ignored every communication.

Evidence of Al Khor International School and owner QatarGas involvement in the harassment cover-up, as you can see employer was aware of website evidence of harassment on 16th May 2018
Sept 2017, Google removed fake reviews that were posts from 2015, reviews that discussed Head of Communication Twitter posts smearing my reputation with lies, 7th Sept 2017 due to breaking European Law, Google removed.
This is just some of the online content I have found, I'm sure there's many more online posts that I haven't found, or have been deleted.

sponsored both
IATA Aviation Conference & Living Legends of Aviation
8th Feb 2019
Amazon owner Jeff Bezos headline got my attention, due to the similarity with both myself and Mr Bezos, exposing wrongdoing by publishing emails online, with AIRBUS sponsoring both IATA Aviation Conference and Living Legends Aviation Award. As well as AIRBUS CEO Tom Enders attending both IATA and Living Legends and Qatar Airways CEO sexist comments at IATA, that made international headlines a few months earlier.
18th Jan 2019
Bezos was presented with a "Freedom's Wings Award," from Tom Enders, the CEO of AIRBUS at the 16th annual "Living Legends of Aviation Awards" at The Beverly Hilton.
Jeff Bezos honored at 16th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards | Daily Mail Online
2 weeks, later!
7th Feb 2019
Jeff Bezos - Blog website exposing wrongdoing publishing emails online
No thank you, Mr. Pecker. Something unusual happened to me… | by Jeff Bezos | Medium
The one person who would know what this one individual he was referring to did at IATA is AIRBUS CEO Tom Enders.
Bezos quoting "I prefer to stand up, roll this log over, and see what crawls out.

This damaging harassment has caused so much pain for my family, the personal and financial cost is unquantifiable. I hope one day, that my passion and love of filmmaking I once had, will return and I can put this horrendous period of my life behind me.